Syanaria Mystic Meg of Skiandu

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Owner: Ros Reynolds

Breeder: Mr & Mrs Winger

Current Home: Skiandu Kennels

D.O.B: 21/04/95

Sex: Bitch

HD & Eyes:
Hips not scored as yet.
Eyes Clear


Res CC: 1

Green Star: 5 (36 points)

Res Green Star: 6

BOB: 8

1st's: 40+

2nd Place - 'Open Bitch', Crufts 98

2nd Place - 'Open Bitch', St Patricks 98

                                                      LIFE AT HOME

Nickname: Meganses

Favorite Food: Prawn crackers (and socks)

Favorite Toy: Her mouth (yap yap yap yap)

Favorite Game: Stealing socks and underwear.

Most Embarrassing Moment: Weeing all over Daddy's car

Most Annoying Habits: Yap Yap Yap Yap

Lick Factor: 100% slurperama

Ambition: To wake up the entire neighbourhood at 5am.

Memorable Moment: Succeeding in her ambition!